Organismal Biology
AGRO 826 Invasive Plants
BIOS 804 Principles of Behavioral Ecology
BIOS 806 Insect Ecology
BIOS 825 Plant Biotechnology
BIOS 829 Phylogenetic Biology
BIOS 862 Animal Behavior
BIOS 868 Field Animal Behavior
BIOS 879 Plant Growth and Development
BIOS 875 Avian Biology
BIOS 876 Mammalogy
BIOS 955 Advanced Behavioral Ecology
BIOS 956 Biochemical Adaptation
NRES 806 Plant Ecophysiology
NRES 807 Plant-Water Relations
NRES 880 Vertebrate Population Analysis
NRES 889 Ichthyology
AGRO 931 Population Genetics
AGRO 932 Biometrical Genetics and Plant Breeding
ASCI 932 Quantitative Animal Genetics I
ASCI 933 Quantitative Animal Genetics II
BIOS 803 Principles of Evolution
BIOS 818 Advanced Genetics
BIOS 827 Practical Bioinformatics Laboratory
BIOS 829 Phylogenetic Biology
BIOS 877 Bioinformatics and Molecular Evolution
BIOS 924 Molecular Phylogenetics
BIOS 958 Genetic Ecology
BIOS 805 Principles of Ecology
BIOS 852 Field Epidemiology
BIOS 853 Predator Ecology
BIOS 854 Ecological Interactions
BIOS 857 Ecosystem Ecology
BIOS 860 Soil Microbiology
BIOS 870 Prairie Ecology
BIOS 953 Advanced Population Ecology
BIOS 958 Genetic Ecology
BIOS 959 Advanced Community Ecology
GEOL 818 Chemistry of Natural Waters
NRES 810 Landscape Ecology
NRES 824 Forest Ecology
NRES 850 Biology of Wildlife Populations
NRES 859 Limnology
NRES 862 Conservation Biology
NRES 863 Fisheries Science
Statistics and Computation
BIOS 828 Perl Programming for Biological Applications
BIOS/NRES 856 Mathematical Models in Biology
BIOS 951 Quantitative Analysis in Biology
CSCE 874 Introduction to Data Mining
MATH 839 Mathematical Models in Biology
MATH 938 Mathematical Modeling
STAT 802 Design and Analysis of Research Studies
STAT 803 Ecological Statistics
STAT 831 Spatial Statistics
STAT 841 Statistical Methods for High Throughput Biological Data
STAT 884 Applied Stochastic Models