IPB Courses

Students in the Integrated Plant Biology specialization create their own unique curriculum by choosing courses offered by a variety of departments:

Agronomy Biochemistry Computer Science Horticulture Natural Resources Plant Pathology Statistics 

Upon successful completion of the Specialization in Integrative Plant Biology, students will have mastered the skills and concepts necessary to • Formulate and experimentally test new hypotheses about relationships between genes, organisms, and ecosystems • Demonstrate competence, proficiency and breadth in quantitative plant research • Apply theories and methodologies related to plant biological systems • Conduct and provide leadership in basic and applied research in plant biology List the courses that will be offered in the specialization. NOTE: Except in cases of interdisciplinary specializations, one half of the courses (student credit hours) must come from the major or be cross-listed with another program’s courses.

Required for all students in the specialization:

 CBIO841, Biosystems Research I: Big Questions (3cr)

CBIO842, Biosystems Research II: Integrating discovery approaches into basic and applied research (3cr)

CBIO843, Graduate Seminar (10cr total): Research and journal club presentations.

CBIO844, Professional Skills (1cr) STAT 801, Statistical Methods in Research(4cr)

LIFE 891, Biotechnology Core Facility instrumentation course (2cr)

IPB student’s core course selection options (minimum of 3 credits per topic area). NOTE: The courses listed below are suggested and not exclusionary. Other courses can be approved upon request.

Computational/Stats component:

Botany (3 credits)

AGRO 896: Bioinformatics Applications in Agriculture (3 credits)

AGRO 932: Biometrical genetics and plant breeding (3 credits)

 BIOS 826: Computational Systems Biology (3 credits)

 BIOS 827: Practical Bioinformatics Laboratory (3 credits)

 BIOS 828: Perl Programming for Biological Applications (3 credits)

 BIOS 829: Phylogenetic Biology (4 credits)

 BIOS 877: Bioinformatics and Molecular Evolution (3 credits)

CSCE 871: Bioinformatics (3 credits)

 CSCE 896: Computational Methods in Bioinformatics (3 credits)

 STAT 801 (is a pre-req of STAT 802 –Design and Analysis of Research Studies (4 credits)

 STAT 802: Experimental Design (4 credits)

 STAT 803: Ecological Statistics (4 credits)

 STAT 842: Computational Biology (3 credits)

 Organismal/Breeding component:

  AGRO/HORT/NRES 826: Invasive Plants (3 credits)

 AGRO/NRES 842: Wildland Plants (3 credits)

 BIOS 855: Great Plains Flora (4 credits)

 BIOS 871: Plant Systematics (4 credits)

 BIOS 878: Plant Anatomy (4 credits)

BIOS 879: Plant Growth and Development (4 credits)

 NRES 806: Plant Ecophysiology: Theory and Practice (4 credits)

 AGRO/ASCI 931: Population Genetics (3 credits)

 ENTO 827: Ecological Genetics (3 credits)

  Genetics/Molecular/Cellular component:

 BIOS 818: Advanced Genetics (3 credits)

 AGRO 919: Plant Genetics (3 credits)

 AGRO 810: Plant Molecular Biology (3 credits)

 BIOS 820: Molecular Genetics (3 credits)

 AGRO 807: Plant-Water Relations (3 credits)

 AGRO/BIOC 834: Plant Biochemistry (3 credits)

 AGRO 896: Biofortification (4 credits)

PLPT 867: Plant Associated Microbes (4 credits)

Environment/Ecology/Evolution component:

BIOS 803 Principles of Evolution (3 credits)

BIOS 805 Principles of Ecology (3 credits)

AGRO/HORT/NRES 806: Plant Ecophysiology: Theory and Practice (4 credits)

AGRO/NRES 807: BIOS 817: Plant-Water Relations (3 credits)

AGRO/NRES 808: Microclimate: The Biological Environment (3 credits)

AGRO/HORT 832: Learning Plant Science (3 credits)

AGRO/HORT/NRES 835: Agroecology (3 credits)

AGRO/NRES 840: Great Plains Ecosystem (3 credits)

AGRO 843: Ecology of Invasive Species (3 credits)

AGRO 850/NRES 852: Climate and Society (3 credits)

AGRO/NRES 877: Great Plains Field Pedology (4 credits)

AGRO 812 / NRES 810: Landscape Ecology (3 credits)

BIOS/NRES 854: Ecological Interactions (3 credits)

BIOS 857: Ecosystem Ecology (4 credits)

BIOS 870: Prairie Ecology (4 credits)

NRES 824: Forest Ecology (4 credits)

NRES 868: Wetlands (4 credits)

NRES 867: Global Climate Change (3 credits)

NRES/AGRO817: Agroforestry Systems in Sustainable Agriculture (3 credits)