I graduated from the University of California, San Diego with a Biology with a Specialization in Bioinformatics degree, where I became interested in applying computational methods to large biological datasets and developing methods to quicken the execution. Under Dr. Song, my current research is centered around unicyanobacterial communities, which involves building community metabolic models, identifying factors and species critical to community metabolism, productivity, and stability, and dynamically modeling them.
Program Specialization: Pathology and Biomedical Science
Laboratory Association(s): Mark Wilson
Research Description:
I am integrating X-ray crystallography, cryogenic electron microscopy (cryoEM), and Molecular dynamic simulation to gain structural insights into directed evolution-engineered O2-tolerant thiazole synthase 4 (Thi4) for enhanced efficiency under sulfur-limiting conditions.
I received my bachelor's degree in Agronomy with a specialization in Plant Health from the Chapingo Autonomous University in Mexico in 2022. After that, I worked for one year at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), where my research project was on elucidating plant pathogen interactions in the tar spot disease of maize. As an undergrad and during my first job experience, I became interested in joining wet lab and computational approaches to better understand biological processes in plants and associated organisms.
I earned my bachelor's degree in Agricultural Science in 2018, specializing in Plant Breeding, from the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Sciences, Tribhuvan University. I did my internship for a few months in the wheat breeding unit of Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) and learned about traditional breeding of varieties. I came to Oklahoma State University in 2019 and completed a master's degree in plant biology in Spring 2022, where my research focused on quantitative genetics of shattering, a domestication trait in pearl millet.
I am working with Dr. James Schnable. My research primarily centers on the predictive modeling of maize by leveraging the integration of high-throughput phenotyping and quantitative genetics.
I graduated with a Bachelor's and Master's degree from Huazhong Agricultural University. I have a relatively rich background in bioinformatics and plant lipid metabolism genetics. Currently, I am working in Edgar Cahoon's laboratory, focusing on carrot polyacetylene biosynthesis and metabolism.
I graduated with a bachelor's degree in Agronomy and Seed Science with a minor in Statistics from Iowa State University, where I became interested in applying data science, statistics and computational methods to agronomic data to improve the sustainability of crop production. Under Dr. Schnable, my current research focuses on understanding the interaction between genetics, the environment, and management practices of hybrid maize, with a specific focus on nitrogen use efficiency.
I graduated with a bachelor's degree (B.Sc.) in Zoology in 2015 and a master's degree (M.Phil.) in Animal Ecology in 2021 from the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. My research interests are in Malacology, Animal Ecology, Mathematical modeling and Wildlife Biology. Currently, I am studying how temperature affects predator-prey interactions at the gene level and population level with the aid of Paramecium-Didinium models under Dr. John DeLong in the School of Biological Sciences.
I earned both my bachelor's and master's degrees in Biophysics at Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic. My previous work was on Fractal Characteristics of Biological Signals and Nonlinear Dynamics of Vocal Cords. Currently, I am in the process of focusing my future research topic. Besides research, I enjoy popularizing Science, reading, and making art.
I have obtained a Bachelor's degree in Agricultural Science and a Master's degree in Biotechnology from Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. Before enrolling as a doctoral student at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, I had gained professional experience as a Biotechnologist at the Basic and Applied Research on Jute (BARJ) project located in Dhaka, Bangladesh. At present, my research is primarily centered on the field of evolutionary genetics and genomics.
I received my B.S. from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in Biochemistry where I became interested in drug delivery and intercellular communication systems. In 2023, I joined the Complex Biosystems PhD program with intentions to specialize in pathology and biomedical science. Currently, I am a part of the Pannier Lab where I focus on using tissue engineering and Omics approaches to understand embryo-maternal communication through extracellular vesicles in pigs.
I graduated with a bachelor's degree in Biochemistry from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana in 2019 and a master’s degree in food science and technology with a specialization in Bioinformatics from the University of Nebraska in 2023.
I received my B.S. in Bioinformatics from University of Nebraska at Omaha, where I became interested in how to use and incorporate Omics data for space agriculture. My research is focused on identifying, understanding, and predicting crop growth responses to space conditions.
I began my academic journey with a bachelor's degree in Agricultural Science from V.N.M.K.V, India. During my undergraduate years, what intrigued me most was demonstrating and learning techniques directly from farmers. This interaction deeply influenced my subsequent endeavors. Shortly after graduating, I contributed as a Research Assistant at the Central Tobacco Research Institute - ICAR, where I was involved in a project developing an online fertilizer recommendation system for India's tobacco-growing soils.
I graduated with a BSc in Biotechnology and, minor in entrepreneurship from University of Tehran, Iran.
I joined Dr. Hyun-Seob Song's research group in 2022, where my primary focus is on developing innovative approach or tools for Data-Driven modeling. My area of specialization centers on developing new methodologies for modeling the human gut microbiome.
I graduated with a Bachelor's and Master's degree from Huazhong Agricultural University. I have a relatively rich background in bioinformatics and plant lipid metabolism genetics. Currently, I am working in Edgar Cahoon's laboratory, focusing on carrot polyacetylene biosynthesis and metabolism.
Program Specialization: Pathology and Biomedical Sciences
Laboratory Association(s):
Carlos is a PhD candidate in CBIO. Originally from Ecuador, Carlos came to the US through a Fulbright Scholarship, where he received training in biology and biochemistry. Now he aspires to pioneer new technologies for forensic science. Specifically, he aims to establish connections between criminals and crime scenes, even when forensic samples are highly degraded. In his free time, Carlos enjoys playing tennis and volleyball, developing his guitar and drawing skills, and having BBQs with friends.