An interdisciplinary graduate training experience
We apply quantitative statistical and computational approaches to data acquisition and analysis in multiple life sciences fields, including human health and medical biochemistry, plant phenomics, and host-microbial interactions.
Our graduate students work directly with our faculty in the following specializations to design unique research programs.
Microbial Interactions Integrated Plant Biology Pathobiology and Biomedical Science Systems Analysis
Computational Organismal Biology, Ecology and Evolution
Your first year in this interdisciplinary program will consist of two semesters of laboratory rotations on diverse topics and one semester of laboratory teaching experience. Incoming students consider "big questions" in multiple areas of life sciences and learn current technical and analytical approaches to answer those questions.
You will acquire a foundation in life sciences, statistics, bioinformatics, and computational analysis, as well as scientific communication skills and ethical approaches to research. Our program is tailored to fit your specific desired outcomes by offering a flexible curriculum and broad interdisciplinary training.